Monday, May 18, 2020

How Powdered Alcohol Should Be An Alternative For Carrying...

The purpose behind the invention of powered alcohol is for consumers to have an alternative to carrying alcohol bottles. Powered Alcohol also known as Palcohol is a lightweight product that does not spill which makes easier to carry around. This makes it the perfect product for legally age drinking adults who like to travel, go hiking, and camping. The product will be presented to consumers as â€Å"On the GO Cocktail Mix.† The brand â€Å"On the Go Cocktail Mix† advertises on its packaging â€Å"On the Go† which gives consumers the idea of having to product available anywhere they go. The following marketing report will discuss how powdered alcohol would be an alternative to carrying liquid alcohol. It will also elaborate on marketing strategies, market segmentation, environmental and social responsibilities, ethical issues, global marketing and the internet. Marketing Mix Product: The alcohol comes in a powdered form, which make it more compact. Being compact makes it easier to take on the go. The product can fit in a small zipper pouch of a hiking, camping or outdoor backpack. The product is also easier to take for outdoor activities like camping, hiking and also traveling. The powered alcohol contains the same or less amount of alcohol volume as a standard liquid mix drink. The product is lighter in weight compared to a liquid bottle of alcohol. This will make it easier for legally age drinking adults to carry around the product. There would be no need for consumers to carryShow MoreRelatedInternal Revenue Code 1939278050 Words   |  1113 Pagesin addition of such excess. $3,591,000 upon surtax net incomes of $5,000,000; and upon surtax net incomes in excess of $5,000,000,75 per centum in addition of such excess. (c) TAX IN CASE OF CAPITAL GAINS OR LOSSES.— For rate and computation of alternative tax in lieu of normal tax and surtax in the case of a capital gain or loss from the sale or exchange of capital assets held for more than eighteen months, see section 117 (c). (d) SALE OF OIL OR GAS PROPERTIES.— For limitation of surtax attributableRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagesto customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Hence it can be surmised that marketing is basically meeting unmet needs for target markets, identifying those unmet needs and planning how to meet them through products, services, and ideas. Communicating the value to them along with pricing which is affordable and profitable and also distributing the products so that customers have appropriate accessibility and have quick and easy deliveryRead MoreAn Introduction to Hydrophonics and Controlled Environment Agriculture40110 Words   |  161 PagesHydroponics: Past, Present and Future The Plant How to grow greenhouse crops Plant Protection: Insects and Diseases B asic Principals of Hydroponics Transplant Production Pollination, Fertilization and Bee Management Fruit Harvesting, Grading and Storage Plant Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders Fertigation Systems and Nutrient Solutions Greenhouse Site Selection Greenhouse Structures Greenhouse Control Systems Greenhouse Energy and Resource Alternatives â€Å"Greening† the Greenhouse Greenhouse MarketingRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 PagesChoice enter their markets through brand extension strategies. In the snack category, Frito-Lay has seen regional brands expand and Budweiser s Eagle brand break out of its niche to become a major competitor. New product forms that provide real alternatives for the customer have encroached the soft drink market, bottled water, carbonated water, fruit-based drinks, and new age drinks, among others. Additional competitors not only contribute to price pressure and brand complexity, but also makeRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pageswritten permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fossil Fuels Coal, Oil And Natural Gas - 1867 Words

The three type of major fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. These fossil fuels are considered non-renewable energy because of the length of time it will take for the natural processes to create these resources. It will take millions of years for them to form. Most of our coal was formed about 300 million years ago, when a majority of the earth was covered by steamy swamps. As the plants and the trees died, the remaining of the plants and trees sank to the bottom of the swap which accumulated layers upon layers. These layers eventually formed a soggy, dense material called peat. Over the millions of years, the earth’s surface, seas, and great rivers changed and caused deposits of sand, clay and other sedimentary rocks were formed. The pressure caused the weight to squeeze water from the peat. The deeper burial and heat associated with it steadily changed the material to coal. Scientists have also estimated that 3 to 7 feet of compacted plant matter is required to form 1 foot of bituminous coal. (COAL: Ancient Gift Serving modern Man, 2005). Oil and natural gas were also formed more than 300 million years ago. Some scientists believe that diatoms, and many other animals that lived in the sea, could convert sunlight directly into stored energy. When they died, they would sink to the sea floor where they were eventually buried under sediment and other rocks. As they became buried deeper within the sea, the heat and pressure began to rise and the carbon eventuallyShow MoreRelatedFossil Fuels ( Oil, Coal, Natural Gas )1743 Words   |  7 Pages Fossil Fuels (Oil, Coal, Natural Gas) Debbie Burrell SCI2000 Gwynedd Mercy University Abstract Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy that were form billions of years ago. The three different types of fossil fuels in the world include: oil, coal and natural gas. Although each of the three types of fossil fuels are extracted differently they are all processed and used as the world’s primary sources of energy. Being the world’s primary sources of energy, fossil fuel experienceRead MoreTypes Of Fossil Fuels : Coal, Oil And Natural Gas2944 Words   |  12 PagesThere are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs, which is why the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the Carboniferous Period. It was part of the Paleozoic Era. Carboniferous gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal and other fossil fuels. The Carboniferous Period occurred from about 360 to 286 million years ago. At the time, the land was covered withRead MoreThe world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while700 Words   |  3 Pages The world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while the worlds population and energy consumption continue to increase, the non-renewable resources we need to produce energy will eventually be depleted. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the supply of oil left in the world will last us twenty five more years. One may say that twenty five years is a long time, and by then new sources of fuel will surely have replaced the nonrenewableRead MoreFossil Fuels And Its Effects On Our World1573 Words   |  7 PagesFossil fuels have been a big discussion in today’s world due to the pollution they have been causing on the earth. Fossil fuels have been creating energy for the world for so many years. Fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coals used every day by almost every American. We use it to travel, to keep us warm, to cook our food, and many other everyday activities, but we don’t know the harm it is do ing to the world. Thanks to Media today we are starting to realize the damage fossil fuel is causingRead MoreThe Sources Of Fossil Fuels1429 Words   |  6 PagesThis paper will discuss the three main fossil fuels which are oil, coal, and natural gas. This research shows how the fossil fuels are formed, where they could be found, and explain how they were formed over millions of years. This paper will show the numerous advantages of fossil fuels compared to the disadvantages and how they are hurting the Earth. Fossils fuels are critical to the function of everyday life. The world would be a different if fossil fuels and their uses were not to of use. Read MoreFossil Fuels : The Source Of Energy1709 Words   |  7 Pagessociety fossil fuels are the primary source of energy for most of the industrialized world. Utilizing fossil fuels has been vital to the industrialization development. Throughout industrialization of many parts of the world, energy has been needed at a much higher density then before and fossil fuels have fulfilled that need. Coal, gas, and oil are the three major sources of fossil fuels in the world. Despite other means of energy, such as wind power, hydroelectric power and so on, fossil fuels are stillRead MoreFossil Fuel Vs. Fossil Fuels1684 Words   |  7 Pagesto form natural deposits of fossil fuels (Science Daily). There are 3 types of fossil fuels that we use today. Oil, coal, and natural gas make up the majority of our energy source. These resources have been developing in the earth’s crust for billions of years before humans came into existence. Without fossil fuels the world would not be where i t is today. The purpose of this paper is to explain the fundamentals of each fossil fuel, the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels as an energyRead MoreFossil Fuels : An Alternative Source Of Energy1715 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Fossil fuels have been keeping our country running for quite a long time, throughout our history. The reason why fossil fuels have been so instrumental in our production of energy is the increase in technology. Technology has brought the world ways to dig into the earth and extract oil, which we have been doing quite a bit more of as late. The problem with this increase in drilling and digging for fossil fuels is that there is only so much of it, and cannot be created, or reused. OnceRead MoreFossil Fuel And Fossil Fuels1485 Words   |  6 PagesFossil fuel is a general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials. Fossil Fuels were formed from decayed prehistoric plants and animals that lived millions of years ago (Science Daily, 2015). According to the U.S Department of Energy, when these ancient living plants and animals died they decomposed and became buried under layers and layers of mud, rock, and sand (2013). Throughout millions of years, they slowly dec omposed into organic material. Depending on what combinationRead MoreWhat Are Fossil Fuels?1387 Words   |  6 PagesStarting small I wanted to explain what fossil fuels are exactly. Also how they are non- renewable, meaning that they indeed will run out one day, and there is no way how to replenish the supply after it is gone. Fossil fuels are natural fuels such as coal or gas, these fuels formed in the geological past from the remains of microscopic plants and ancient animals like dinosaurs that lived and died millions of years ago. The plants and animals or (diatoms) absorbed energy that came from the biggest

HRM systems in Japan and Germany free essay sample

A comparative analysis of the Human Resource Management (HRM)systems in Japan and Germany This essay analyzes the human resource systems in both Japan and Germany using the analytical framework put forward by Beer et al in 1984. Differences and similarities on such aspects as culture, management, labour relations and other such institutions will be investigated. Evidence for arguments and theories will be provided throughout the essay. From the paper: Increased interest in international human resource management has led to the classification of its processes and influences. One particular classification or framework is that of the Map of Human Resource Territory, later adopting the name of the Harvard Model, which was designed by Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills and Walton in 1984. This model is useful as it accepts that there are differing approaches to the employment relationship. Indeed Porter (1970) argues that the model has potential for comparative analysis. The Harvard model illustrates that there are a variety of stakeholders in an organisation including shareholders, various groups of employees, the government and the community. We will write a custom essay sample on HRM systems in Japan and Germany or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It recognises the legitimate interests of these various groups and that the creation of HRM strategies should recognise these interests and combine them as much possible into the strategy of the business. Indeed the Harvard model is fundamentally both prescriptive and analytical. It is important to bear in mind however that the ideas put forward by the model are arguably based on the American culture. This is important to remember when using the model as an analytical framework to compare other countries.